Visual Methods SIG Event – Technovisualities
Workshop Unpacking the Role of Visual Research in the Digital Realm
Interested in visual methodologies and analysis? Working with visual methodologies and unsure how to take things forward?
Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to attend our exclusive in-person ‘Technovisualities’ event with Professor Robert Kozinets and Dr Ulrike Gretzel as part of the Academy of Marketing Visual Methods SIG at University of Greenwich.
When: Monday 24th July 2023, All day event starting at 10.45
Where: In-person event at the University of Greenwich Campus, London.
How do I join: please submit your interest in attending this event asap and by 22nd May at the latest. The submission form is here:
Places are limited. We will assess all submissions and let everyone know a decision after the 22nd of May.
Attendance is free of charge but places are limited and will be offered to those deemed to gain the most benefit from the day.
We are really grateful to the Tourism and Marketing Research Centre at the University of Greenwich for co-funding this event.
Any questions please ask the organisers: Fatema Kawaf and Ashleigh McFarlane