Award Recipients
AM Education Award Recipients
Pedagogic Research Grant Award Winners 2024
Mark McCulloch (Goldsmiths, University of London) and David Colley (Manchester Metropolitan University): Portfolio Perspectives: Enhancing Assessment through Academic Industry Collaboration in Marketing Portfolios
Yasmin Kulasi and Kate Ingsa (University of Westminster): Immersive empathy and Sustainability: Using VR Case Studies from the Global South to Enhance Marketing Education
Pedagogic Research Grant Award Winners 2023
Michelle Fisher, Michael Harker and Elizabeth McKee (University of Strathclyde), Effective use of digital technologies and pedagogies to support marketing education: An evidence-based case study of current 3rd year Marketing Students and their experience of online/hybrid learning 2020-2023.
Chahna Gonsalves (Kings College London), Higher Education Assessment in the Age of Generative AI: Preparing Students for Employability in Marketing. (Pictured with Professor Laura Chamberlain, Chair of the AM Education Committee).

AM Teaching Research and Development Grants 2019
- Fran Hyde, University of Suffolk: Bringing the Outside In: Exploring the Impact of Marketing Practitioners on Undergraduate Marketing Students in a University Setting
- Aster Mekonnen, GSM London: Students involvement in strengthening the implementation of Research-informed teaching (RiT): A deeper examination of Research-informed learning (RiL) in Marketing and Communications module
AM Teaching Research and Development Grants 2018
- Lucy Gill-Simmen and Isabella Chaney, Royal Holloway, University of London: The Evolving Role of the Modern Day Marketer: Curriculum Design for Employability in Marketing
- Ben Marder, Caroline Marchant, Mary Brennan, Rona Doig, Pauline Ferguson; University of Edinburgh: Going ‘Agile’: Examining the use of the SCRUM methodology to enhance collaborative learning within marketing
- Mazia Yassim and Ewa Krolikowska-Adamczyk, University of Greenwich: Developing socially conscious students: Can social consciousness be embedded through teaching?
AM Teaching Research and Development Grants 2017
- Michael Harker, University of Strathclyde; Ross Brennan, University of Hertfordshire; Samantha Murdy, University of Strathclyde; Janet Ward, University of Sunderland; Juliette Wilson, University of Strathclyde: Investigating External Examining for Marketing
- Juliette Wilson, University of Strathclyde; Heiner Evanschitzky, Aston Bus School; Michael Harker, University of Strathclyde; Samantha Murdy, University of Strathclyde; Lindsay Stringfellow, University of Exeter: Appraising methodology training provided to PGR students at UK institutions
AM Teaching Research and Development Grants 2015
- Janet Ward, Yvonne Dixon-Todd (both University of Sunderland) and Nigel Coates (University of Northumbria) Project Title: Is Student Engagement the Magic Wand to create a Transformative Marketing Curriculum?
AM Teaching Research and Development Grants 2013/14
- Alex Hiller, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University: Project Title: Master’s in Marketing Consultancy Projects: Reflections and Opportunities
- Dr Christine Rivers, Surrey Business School, University of Surrey: Project Title: Less lecture more Bloom – Recycling Blooms taxonomy for teaching marketing modules
- Dr Robin Bell, Worcester Business School, University of Worcester: Project Title: The Impact of Applied Enterprise Practice on Business and Marketing Learning and the Development of Entrepreneurial Tendencies
AM Teaching Research and Development Grants 2012/2013
- Michael Harker, University of Strathclyde – Undergraduate Marketing Education in the UK
- Nikoletta-Theofania Siamagka and George Christodoulides from Henley Business School – Learning about and through Social Media in Higher Education: An Investigation into UG Marketing Education
AM Teaching Research and Development Grants 2011/2012
- Lynn Vos and Ross Brennan Middlesex University Business School: How much do simulation games improve marketing students’ numeracy and financial skills?
- Philippa Hunter-Jones, University of Liverpool Management School: A Guide to Using Open Educational Resources (OERs) in Marketing Education: What? How? And Why?
- Victoria Jackson, Lancashire Business School: The use of a social networking site with pre-enrolled Business School students to enhance their first year experience at university, and in doing so, improve retention.
AM Teaching Research and Development Grants 2010/2011
- Dr Victoria Wells, Cardiff Business School, “The effects of academic learning environments on university students’ emotions and approach-avoidance behaviours”
- Dr Sheilagh Resnick and Dr Ranis Cheng, Nottingham Trent University “Educating Graduates for Marketing in Small Businesses”
- Dr Kelly Page, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University and Dr Paul Harrigan University of Southampton, “Digital Analytics in Marketing: Exploring Literacy, Skills & Learning in Digital Marketing Management”
AM Teaching Research and Development Grants 2009/2010
- Dr Catherine Demangeot, University of Strathclyde, “International Student Learning and Avatar Collaboration in an Immersive World”
- Dr Paul Harrigan, University of Southampton “Re-shaping International Marketing Education through the New DNA of Marketing”
- Dr Mizan Rahman, University of Lincoln, “Incorporating Case Studies in Marketing Education to Prepare the Students for Global Citizenship”
- Dr Deborah Anderson, University of Kingston, “Experts and Novices: Applying Theories of Social Learning to the Study of Marketing”
AM Teaching Research and Development Grants 2008/2009
- Jacqueline Lynch, Westminster Business School, “Assessing the Value of client/agency ‘real world’ simulation to foster student creativity in marketing”
- Ross Brennan & Lynn Vos, Middlesex Business School, “Marketing Simulation Games: Integrating them into the curriculum and overcoming barriers to implementation”
- Edel Moore, Leeds University, School of Design, “Creative Marketing – Beyond the Boundaries of the Business School”
AM Teaching Research and Development Grants 2007/2008
- Douglas Brownlie, University of Stirling and Paul Hewer, University of Strathclyde, “Reflective Practitioners through ‘Postering’: A critical evaluation of the evidence base”
- Carol Cloughton, Nadio Granata and Peter Rudolph, University of Huddersfield, “The LIVE Assessment Project (Leading, Innovative, Vocational Experience – LIVE)”
- Yvonne Dixon, Charles Moss and Stefanie Reissner, University of Sunderland, “An investigation into the student experience of Peer Action Learning Sets (PALS) in the multi-national context of the MA Marketing programme at Sunderland Business School”
- George D. Masikunas and Andreas Panayiotidis, Kingston University, “Refining the use of an EVS (electronic voting system) in large group lectures to Marketing students”
- Lorna Walker and David Chalcraft, Westminster Business School, “How do different learning activities contribute to marketing students’ perceived understanding of marketing?”
Teaching Excellence Award Recipients
Teaching Excellence Awards 2020 Individual Award
Anna Dubiel, King’s Business School, King’s College London: “Keep London Wild!” – Digital Marketing Communications Consulting Project.
Teaching Excellence Awards 2019 Individual Award
Chloe Preece, Royal Holloway, University of London: License to thrill: Engaging students with creative assessments.
Teaching Excellence Awards 2018 Team Award
Nigel Coates and Katie Brown, Team – The Business Clinic, Northumbria University
The Business Clinic: at the heart of the curriculum, replacing the traditional marketing dissertation with a collaboration between students, business, other organisations and academics to produce real solutions and new perspectives that are underpinned by rigorous theory and research.
Teaching Excellence Awards 2017 Individual Award
Elena Chatzopoulou, Newcastle University Business School
Creative academic teaching for Marketing students: benefits from using colour, music and rewards.
Teaching Excellence Awards 2016 Team Award
Sukhbinder Barn & Mark McPherson (Team: Middlesex University Residential Field Trip), Middlesex University; Residential Marketing Fieldtrips: Adding value to post graduate education through experiential learning.
Teaching Excellence Awards 2016 Individual Awards
Kristine Pole, Canterbury Christ Church University, Creating a crisis communications simulation for PR students
Sukhbinder Barn, Middlesex University. Creating ‘financial’ risk in assessment design – managing and marketing student events
Teaching Excellence Awards 2015 Individual Award
Teresa Pereira Heath of University of Nottingham for the project entitled Alice’s tea shop: using drama to encourage students’ engagement and critical thinking
Teaching Excellence Awards 2014 Individual Award
Deborah Anderson, Department of Strategy, Marketing and Innovation, Kingston Business School, Kingston University
“Experts and Novices”: developing student confidence
Teaching Excellence Awards 2014 Team Award
Marketing Subject Team, London South Bank University
Creating a ‘Give-Back’ Culture to enhance student learning and embed employability across the curriculum