ECR Special Issue Call for Papers

Roots: Creating routes for budding perspectives in qualitative market research from early career researchers

Journal: Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal
Guest Editors: Dr. Killian O’Leary, Dr. Anoop Bhogal-Nair, Dr. Mona Moufahim, Dr. Chloe Preece
Deadline for Submission of Proposals: 1 November 2024 (Invited full papers by 31 March 2025)

Call for Papers

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet’ (Aristotle).

Roots lay foundations, and routes pave the way for growth. They provide structure and direction. In terms of research the roots of each scholar’s ontological, epistemological and axiological perspectives are often developed early in their careers. While these perspectives can change and we can grow new roots, the early period of academic careers is often filled with fervent enthusiasm for fresh ideas, new thoughts and cross pollination. These budding perspectives represent the joy of academic research. The excitement of possibilities gives rise to novel efforts to capture, represent and disseminate research on ‘new and rapidly changing contexts’ (Spotswood et al., 2024).

However, navigating research and publishing via established systems is daunting, while a ‘publish or perish’ culture (Preece et al., 2023) emplaces pressures on those early in their academic careers. Some ECRs can experience feelings of isolation, or a lack of control over their careers (Belkhir et al., 2018) as they get to grips with academic life. QMR’s new ambitions, as evidenced by its recently instantiated ECR review board, seeks to support and grow the development of early career research.

The purpose of this special issue is to offer a unique opportunity for qualitative marketing and consumption researchers early in their careers. We offer a designated space to foster an inclusive and supportive process specifically for ECRs. Our aim is to facilitate the publication of rigorous, original and exciting research by ECR’s through a positive, friendly and constructive submission and review process, including paper development workshops along the way.

As part of the Academy of Marketing Early Career Researcher (ECR) key resources initiative, and in conjunction with QMR, this special issue thus seeks contributions from ECR’s that offer budding perspectives into qualitative market research. We welcome submissions that inform or contribute to the broader understanding of all forms of marketing but priority will be given to research that aligns with QMR’s research interests and strategic direction (see Spotswood et al., 2024). Including but not limited to:

  • Disruption and transition in consumption, particularly in relation to sustainability and wellbeing
  • The internationalisation of markets
  • Changing consumer behaviours
  • Consumer inequality, exclusion and vulnerability
  • Power, conflict and coercion in marketplaces and marketing
  • Disruptive technology
  • Market transition, with reference to environmental, political, business or community disruption
  • Methodology in qualitative marketing and consumption research
  • Ethics in research and marketing practice
  • Qualitative research for marketing policy impact

We welcome research that is interdisciplinary in nature, diverse in theoretical and empirical focus (Kravets and Varman, 2023; Khanijou and Zakariah, 2023), and favour contributions that provide critical, novel, alternative or radical insights on marketing, consumer research and qualitative methods. Contributions can be empirically, conceptually or methodologically focused, but all submissions must be led by an ECR. Additional authors can be at any stage of their career, but priority may be given to submissions that comprise more than one ECR author.

Definitions of ECR’s are quite varied across institutions and organisations but for this special issue we define an ECR as either:

  • Currently enrolled postgraduate or PhD students,
  • Post-doctoral students, or
  • Scholars who have graduated with a PhD within the last eight years, or equivalent for those with periods of leave.

Submission Information

The submission process for this special issue will be as follows: Interested authors should submit an 800-word extended abstract detailing the focus of their submission, how it fits with the research interests of the issue, and most importantly the envisaged contributions that the submission will make to theory, knowledge, context and/or policy. How the lead author fulfils the ECR criteria should also be clearly stated in a cover letter, along with information on any other ECR’s that contribute to the submission, with evidence provided wherever possible i.e. year of study, thesis submission dates or ORCID iD/Google scholar profiles. The extended abstract and cover letter should be submitted to [email protected] and [email protected] by 1st November 2024.

Extended abstracts will be reviewed by the special issue editorial team and shortlisted submissions will be invited to submit a full paper, in line with the submission mandates of QMR, by 31st March 2025. The editorial team will host a paper development workshop for shortlisted submissions in advance of full submission. Should you have any questions or queries about the special issue, please feel free to contact Killian or Anoop.

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Registration and access are available here. Author guidelines must be strictly followed.

Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to “Please select the issue you are submitting to”. Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.

Key deadlines

Closing date for abstract submission: 1st November, 2024
Opening date for manuscripts submissions: 1st January, 2025
Closing date for manuscripts submission: 31st March, 2025
Email for submissions: [email protected]; [email protected]

Link to full call for papers including references:

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