Education Blog
The blog is a new resource from the Academy of Marketing. The purpose of the blog is to share experiences and research around marketing pedagogy. We bring together a community of marketing educators to share their views, exchange ideas, showcase teaching innovations and contribute to this teaching resource. We are seeking contributions from those enthusiastic about their teaching practice who wish to disseminate research and experiences and create impact.
Call for Contributions
We are seeking submissions that are short, concise and easily digestible across the academic marketing community. Blog posts should be accessible, non-technical and with limited jargon to enable academics to take away key elements, that they can introduce into their own teaching practice.
Some examples of topics are listed below as a guide. These are not restrictive and we welcome a wide range of topics.
- Sharing best practice
- Evidence based research
- How to teach responsible marketing/ marketing ethics
- Teaching innovations
- Reflections on and insights into teaching
- Case studies
- Effective use of digital technologies when teaching
- Innovations in assessment and feedback
- Reviews of papers of interest to the academic community
The blog should be a maximum of 800 words and submitted as a word document. Tips for a good blog are:
- Interesting title
- Reflect the audience
- Clear and concise message
- Credible evidence with links to relevant sources
Submissions must include the title of the blog post, author information and contact details and be appropriately referenced. Blog posts will be reviewed by two reviewers and, if accepted, recommendations will be communicated with author(s). Author(s) will have the opportunity to proof read the final copy after acceptance and the post will be uploaded to the blog within one week of completion of proof reading. Blog posts will be published under a creative commons licence. To submit a post for consideration to be published on the blog, please e mail submissions to Anne Foy at [email protected]