Join the Academy of Marketing
Membership Year 2024-2025
Membership costs 65.00 GB pounds sterling, and this is for membership of the Academy of Marketing for the membership year 2024-2025 which runs from 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2025.
AM Conference
Please note, if you are a delegate at the Annual Conference, Membership of the Academy of Marketing for the following Membership year, starting 1 September after the Conference, is included as part of your Registration. You will be contacted regarding your Membership at the beginning of September.
Apply for Membership
Please read this carefully before applying for membership. To check your eligibility for membership click here. If you are in any doubt about your eligibility for membership, please do not hesitate to contact the Administrative office. The Executive Committee shall resolve questions concerning an applicant’s eligibility. (As part of the registration process you will be asked to provide information to confirm your eligibility for membership).
How to Apply
Please email the AM Admin Office. In the email please indicate how you are eligible for Membership of the Academy of Marketing. The Admin Office will then contact you to confirm your eligibility and arrange invoicing.
Payment of Membership Invoices can be made online by Credit/Debit card or PayPal account. (Online payments are processed through the third-party provider, PayPal – you do not have to be a member of PayPal to use the online payment method).
The amount you will be charged is 65.00 pounds sterling and this is for membership of the Academy of Marketing for the membership year 2024-2025 which runs from 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2025. When you have completed the payment procedure you will receive an email from PayPal to confirm your transaction, and you will receive a separate email from the Academy of Marketing to confirm your Membership.
Important Notice: Use of PayPal is subject to PayPal’s own terms and conditions and privacy policy. There are links to these from the PayPal payment pages. You can find out more about PayPal at their website https://www.paypal.com/uk/home. Click here to see the Terms and Conditions of the Academy of Marketing.
On the confirmation of Membership, you will be provided with a link to sign up for the AM E-newsletter. Click here to see the Privacy Policy of the Academy of Marketing. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Administrative office at [email protected]