Pedagogic Research Grants
2025 Pedagogic Research Grants
The aim of this grant scheme is to support and encourage pedagogic research into evidence-based practices of innovative and effective learning, teaching and assessment methods related to marketing. The outcomes of the Pedagogic Research Grants are to:
- Allow for research into teaching, learning and assessment practices that enhance student learning and engagement;
- Provide evidence-based examples of innovative and effective practice in learning teaching and assessment;
- Facilitate review of current practices and the development of recommendations;
- Disseminate educational methods which others might use; and
- Raise the profile and awareness of pedagogic research and developments that have relevance to marketing educators.
We welcome a range of applications for the Academy of Marketing Pedagogic Research Grants but we encourage focus on our 2024-25 research priorities which are:
- Transforming marketing education in face of the challenges of sustainability
- Student skill development and employability in marketing education
- Effective use of digital technologies and pedagogies to support marketing education
- Promoting inclusion and diversity in marketing and society
NOTE: With respect to the pedagogic approach(es) suggested in the proposal, we expect all applicants to have reviewed the wider learning, teaching and assessment literature in higher education in addition to that in marketing.
Proposals should be made using the Project Proposal Form, which includes detailed guidance about the process.
Deadline for proposals is 12 noon GMT 1 May 2025
Funding amount
The maximum funding for any one project will normally be £2,000, with an additional £500 (approx.) offered to cover the fee for the Academy of Marketing Conference in 2026.
Proposals are welcomed up to the £2,000. Whilst it is recognized that this is a relatively small amount, it is hoped that institutions will provide match funding for bids or support grant winners in other tangible ways that will allow the work to be undertaken and completed. Please note that there are limited funds and so this is a highly competitive process.
Funds awarded may only be used for costs arising as a direct result of running the project. This may include:
- Time release (i.e., buying project team members out of teaching, research or other duties).
- Support – administration, research assistants, etc.
- Travel and subsistence costs for journeys that can be demonstrated to directly benefit the progress and outcomes of the project (international conference attendance will only be supported in exceptional circumstances and if appropriately justified).
- Materials and consumables.
- Dissemination of findings.
It is not expected that overheads will be charged or that the host institution will top-slice the funding. Any contribution required to full economic cost must be included within the total amount available. Purchase of equipment such as computers will not be funded.
- Proposals can only be accepted from individuals or teams employed in departments of UK
- Higher Education Institutions delivering HE programmes in Marketing. Joint proposals with PIs from more than one institution are welcomed, but we would prefer that only one institution be liaising with the Academy regarding finances.
- All named applicants must be members of the Academy of Marketing at the time of application.
- All proposals require confirmation of support and approval from the applicant’s Head of School or Department.