Academy of Marketing & Marketing Trust Workshops
Workshops for ECRs and Doctoral Students
Building Resilience and Getting Published in Top Journals: A Hands-on Workshop for Early Career Researchers (Free Event)
Thursday 8th December 2022 (9:00 – 18:00), Hamilton House 103, University of Greenwich
Thanks to the support and funding of the Academy of Marketing and the Marketing Trust, this free, one-day workshop will take place at Greenwich Business School, University of Greenwich. This workshop offers a supportive platform for discussion, dialogues, and exchanging ideas about developing publication strategies and building personal resilience for early career researchers (ECRs) and PhD students in marketing and consumer research.
During this one-day workshop, we hope to provide participants with some guidance on where to start, what to consider in the publication process, create a safe space for participants to share challenges and negotiation strategies as an ECR, and discuss how to navigate within or challenge the ‘publish or perish’ culture. Most importantly, we focus on how to build resilience and maintain a healthy balance in this publication process.