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AM2021 Conference

Reframing Marketing Priorities
Online, 5-7 July 2021

For the first time our 2021 Academy of Marketing Annual Conference took the form of a virtual, online event. We enjoyed the new opportunities this format allowed to welcome participants into our community.

Reframing Marketing Priorities
As we all negotiate our way through the challenges of the current external environment our Annual Conference considered how Marketing can play its part in helping to shape how we engage with economic, social, political and cultural change. 2020 was a defining year in so many ways; our 2021 conference theme reflected the need to refocus and address how we as marketing academics, teachers and practitioners can ‘Reframe Marketing Priorities’ in response to such change.

We invited colleagues to explore the crucial issues of change, responses to change and reflection on change that help reframe marketing priorities. We proposed to achieve this through workshops that could interrogate these important issues. We asked:

  • What are the Marketing Priorities that are most impacted by current conditions?
  • How do we reframe these priorities theoretically?
  • How is what and how we teach impacted?
  • What methodological advances and innovations help us to answer these questions?


Anne Marie Doherty

Anne Marie Doherty


Finola Kerrigan


Lisa O'Malley

Lisa O’Malley

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The Conference was generously supported by the Marketing Trust

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