AM2024 Cardiff Bay night time view

Call for Papers


Marketing: Fusing resilience and power for public value – igniting marketing’s social spirit

Cardiff Business School, 1-4 July 2024

You can find answers to some frequently asked questions on the Delegate Information Page. The outline schedule is also on the delegate information page, please check when you are scheduled to present!

Call for Papers &
Submission Guidelines

Workshops Detailed Call for Papers

We welcome the submission of Competitive Short Papers which focus on all areas of marketing, including conceptual and empirical papers that develop marketing theory, methodological papers and pedagogic papers.

Papers can be submitted for Oral Presentation in our themed tracks, or to one of our Workshops listed below, which offer the opportunity to come together with likeminded colleagues to share research, set future agendas and make connections.

See the separate Call for Papers for the Doctoral Colloquium.


The conference will host a range of Workshops covering marketing theory, methods and pedagogy

  1. Addressing the Climate Emergency Through Behaviour Change: The Role of Marketing in the Tourism, Leisure and Transport Sectors
  2. Advertising and Societal Wellbeing: Exploring Social Issues in Advertising and Brand Activism
  3. Beyond a Game: Exploring Exploitation, Manipulation, and Ethical Issues in Gamification
  4. Co-governing and Impactful Place Marketing: A Socioeconomic Perspective to Creating a Coherent Country Brand.
  5. Data privacy, the sword of Damocles in the realm of marketing
  6. Disruptions and Consumer Resilience
  7. [Eco] Labelling for Sustainability: Redefining the Value and Future of Sustainability Labels
  8. Embedding SDGs in Marketing Curriculum: Examples from the Current Practice
  9. Empowering Sustainability Through the Power of AI: How can AI Technologies be Used to Encourage Consumer Decision-Making Towards Sustainable Consumption?
  10. Growing the Power of Food Marketing Scholarship for Social Change
  11. How Can we Unlock the Communication Gap in Sustainability?
  12. Igniting Positive Cultural Change in Academic Institutions
  13. Marketing and Responsible Innovation: Balancing Progress and Ethics’
  14. Marketing’s Social Spirit and Transformative Services in Unregulated Environments
  15. Perspectives on Drinking, Manufacture and Drinking Spaces and Places
  16. Playing the Marketer – Bringing the Joy of Marketing into the Classroom
  17. Reigniting the Social Spirit of Marketing through Subsistence Marketplaces
  18. Re-imagining Marketing Research in the AI Age: Igniting Opportunities & Challenges?
  19. Slave to the Algorithm: Marketing’s Coercive or Liberatory Future?
  20. Social Marketing and Artificial intelligence: Incorporating artificial intelligence in the promotion of behaviour changes
  21. Social Media and Marketing: Towards a Better Future
  22. Sustainability and Circularity in Luxury: Setting a Future Research Agenda
  23. The Impact of Mobile Apps on Consumers’ Well-Being and Public Value Creation
  24. The Value of All these Arts: Social and Cultural Value Creation Within, Across and Beyond the Arts and Creative Sector 

Authors should consult the requirements of their preferred workshop(s) prior to submission. In order to aid scheduling, authors should restrict their submissions to no more than two workshops.

Oral Presentation

In addition to the Workshops, Competitive Short Papers on any area of marketing and consumer behaviour will be delivered in a 20-minute Oral Presentation at the Conference in themed sessions.

Key dates:

  • Paper Submission System opens: 11 December 2023
  • Final Extended Submission deadline: 1st February 2024
  • Paper decisions: 4 April 2024
  • Early Bird rate deadline: 20th May 2024
  • Final registration deadline: 6th June 2024
  • Conference Dates:1th to 4th July 2024

Contact address: [email protected]

Guidelines for Submissions

All papers must be submitted online via the AM 2024 website. These must be:

  • Original;
  • A maximum of 500 words long (excluding references). Please note that the text of the paper must be copied and pasted into the online submission system, which will limit the number of words to this maximum. Figures should not be included in short paper submissions.
  • Papers accepted for Oral Presentation will be delivered as a 20-minute presentation as part of a themed session. Workshops will be run to the format specified by the Workshop Convenors.
  • Authors should ensure that their names or any other author-identifying information are not included in the text of the paper.
  • Authors will be asked to provide additional information as part of their submission to clarify the stage of their research e.g. conceptualisation, methodological development, data collection, data analysis, theoretical development, or if their competitive short paper is a summary of a full completed paper.
  • Authors will be asked to provide keywords for their submission.
  • Number of papers
  • Authors may submit no more than 3 papers in total and authors are not permitted to submit the same paper to different Workshops and for Oral Presentation. Authors should restrict their submissions to no more than 2 Workshops.

References are additional to the 500-word count, and will be uploaded in a separate field in the submission system. References must be presented in APA 7 (American Psychological Association) Style.

For all submissions

  • The details of all authors must be entered into the online system. Communication will only be with the submitting author. When submitting, please complete all the registration fields and use the same email address consistently as this is the only way the system can contact you.
  • Please indicate if the submitting author is a PhD Student.
  • The submitting author will be asked to warrant that they have the authority of their co-author(s) to submit the paper/e-poster, and that they have read and agree to the Conference Terms and Conditions, available in this document.
  • Submissions will be reviewed, and feedback provided to author(s).

Terms and Conditions

Authors agree to abide by the following terms and conditions associated with submitting a paper for the AM 2024 Conference:

  • The final deadline for submission of papers is Midnight GMT 1 February 2024. All papers will be independently reviewed. Authors should ensure that their names or any author-identifying information are not included in the text of their submission. The language of the conference is English and all papers should be in English.
  • All papers submitted should follow the submission guidelines provided in relation to references. All author and co-author details will be inputted as part of the online submission form and the Organising Committee will only contact the author who submitted the paper.
  • The decision of the AM 2024 Conference Chairs in relation to the acceptance of the papers is final.
  • Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection and provided with feedback as soon as the review process has been completed.
  • By submitting a paper to be reviewed, the author(s) are indicating that at least one of the authors will attend the conference and present the paper. Any papers not represented by an author/co-author will not be published in the Conference Proceedings.
  • All attendant presenters must register for the AM 2024 Conference and pay the registration fee by the required date (6 June 2024) or their paper will be withdrawn.
  • Successfully refereed papers will be published in the Academy of Marketing (AM) 2024 Conference Proceedings. The Conference Proceedings are registered with an ISBN.

By submitting your paper (Contribution) to the Academy of Marketing Conference:

  • You warrant that the Contribution will be original, will not violate or infringe any existing copyright or other right (of whatever nature) of any third party; will contain nothing obscene, blasphemous, defamatory, misleading or otherwise unlawful; and will contain no factual statements which are not true or based upon generally accepted research practices; and you further warrant that you have full power to enter into this Agreement.
  • If the Contribution does not conform to the warranties set out in this paragraph, you will indemnify the Academy of Marketing and Cardiff University against any claims, loss, injury, damage or costs (including legal costs) that arise as a result of your breach of warranty. You will be responsible (at your expense) for obtaining permission for the inclusion in the Contribution of any third party copyright material.
  • Copyright in the Conference Proceedings as a whole is with the Academy of Marketing. Authors retain the rights to their individual papers included in the proceedings, and by submitting their work for presentation at the Conference, authors grant a royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to the Academy of Marketing to reproduce the Contribution throughout the world in all forms (present, future and contingent, and including all renewals, extensions, revivals and all accrued rights of action).
  • The Academy of Marketing will have the right, where we consider it necessary, to revise, edit, amend and correct the Contribution in the interests of the relevance, consistency and quality of the style and content of the Proceedings as a whole. The Academy of Marketing will have the right to decline to publish the Contribution if, for any reason, it fails to meet with our full satisfaction.
  • The Academy of Marketing, Cardiff University, their publisher and staff take no responsibility and accept no liability whatsoever for the accuracy, impact, or consequences of any paper published in the conference proceedings, whether refereed or not. Papers reflect the authors’ opinions, not those of the Academy of Marketing, Cardiff University, their publisher, or their staff.
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