AM2024 Cardiff Bay night time view

Conference Workshops


Marketing: Fusing resilience and power for public value – igniting marketing’s social spirit

Cardiff Business School, 1-4 July 2024

Workshops Detailed Call for Papers

The conference will host a range of Workshops covering marketing theory, methods and pedagogy. Please see the detailed Workshops Call for Papers for more information.

  1. Addressing the Climate Emergency Through Behaviour Change: The Role of Marketing in the Tourism, Leisure and Transport Sectors
  2. Advertising and Societal Wellbeing: Exploring Social Issues in Advertising and Brand Activism
  3. Beyond a Game: Exploring Exploitation, Manipulation, and Ethical Issues in Gamification
  4. Co-governing and Impactful Place Marketing: A Socioeconomic Perspective to Creating a Coherent Country Brand.
  5. Data privacy, the sword of Damocles in the realm of marketing
  6. Disruptions and Consumer Resilience
  7. [Eco] Labelling for Sustainability: Redefining the Value and Future of Sustainability Labels
  8. Embedding SDGs in Marketing Curriculum: Examples from the Current Practice
  9. Empowering Sustainability Through the Power of AI: How can AI Technologies be Used to Encourage Consumer Decision-Making Towards Sustainable Consumption?
  10. Growing the Power of Food Marketing Scholarship for Social Change
  11. How Can we Unlock the Communication Gap in Sustainability?
  12. Igniting Positive Cultural Change in Academic Institutions
  13. Marketing and Responsible Innovation: Balancing Progress and Ethics’
  14. Marketing’s Social Spirit and Transformative Services in Unregulated Environments
  15. Perspectives on Drinking, Manufacture and Drinking Spaces and Places
  16. Playing the Marketer – Bringing the Joy of Marketing into the Classroom
  17. Reigniting the Social Spirit of Marketing through Subsistence Marketplaces
  18. Re-imagining Marketing Research in the AI Age: Igniting Opportunities & Challenges?
  19. Slave to the Algorithm: Marketing’s Coercive or Liberatory Future?
  20. Social Marketing and Artificial intelligence: Incorporating artificial intelligence in the promotion of behaviour changes
  21. Social Media and Marketing: Towards a Better Future
  22. Sustainability and Circularity in Luxury: Setting a Future Research Agenda
  23. The Impact of Mobile Apps on Consumers’ Well-Being and Public Value Creation
  24. The Value of All these Arts: Social and Cultural Value Creation Within, Across and Beyond the Arts and Creative Sector 
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