AM2019 Conference
When you tire of marketing you tire of life
Regent’s University London, 2-4 July 2019

The 52nd Academy of Marketing Conference was held at Regent’s University London in Regent’s Park, at the centre of the most exciting and vibrant city in the world. The conference theme, ‘when you tire of marketing you tire of life’ unashamedly borrowed from that most eloquent of Londoners, Samuel Johnson, whose love for the capital was unbounded.
Marketing is, in the eyes of many, the driving force for growth and change in our world. Despite this, marketers are the first to be blamed when things seem to go wrong. Marketing, in some quarters, is almost a term of abuse. It is our responsibility to ensure we never tire of promoting the good that honest marketing brings. This sometimes means challenging decisions made by others in the organisation.
We invited papers around a theme that both challenged and celebrated marketing in all its many guises.
The ISBN number of the proceedings is: 978-1-5272-4262-3
The Academy of Marketing would like to acknowledge the extremely generous support received from the Marketing Trust in funding Academy of Marketing 2019 Conference Doctoral Colloquium Bursaries.

John Egan

Zeynep Kacmaz Milne

AM2019 Best Paper in Conference (Critical Marketing Track). Georgios Patsiaouras, Anastasia Veneti & William Green. Tear gas, visual brands and opposition: an exploratory study on the use of visual branding techniques by the 2014 Hong Kong Umbrella Movement. Sponsored by Journal of Marketing Management
AM2019 Most Innovative Paper in Conference. Robert Hamlin. HMS Hood: The Genesis, Life and Death of an Imperial Brand Icon. Sponsored by Marketing Trust

AM2019 Doctoral Colloquium Best Paper. Grace Carson, Queen’s University Belfast. Marketing Capability Development: The Effect of Market Information Resource in Small Firms. Sponsored by Marketing Trust

AM2019 Doctoral Colloquium Best Conceptual/Literature Review. Nasser Alqahtani, Rutgers Business School. The Influence of Product Design on Brand Personality, Consumer Brand Engagement, and Brand Equity. Sponsored by Marketing Trust

AM2019 Doctoral Colloquium Best Early Stage. Katie Thompson, University of Liverpool. The Edited Self: An Exploration of Body Modification and Identity. Sponsored by University of Birmingham

AM2019 Brand Identity & Corporate Reputation Track Prize. Khanyapuss Punjaisri, Sharifah Faridah Syed Alwi & Krista Kajewski. An Interpretive Enquiry into CEO Personal Branding on Social Media. Sponsored by University of Birmingham

AM2019 Consumer Culture Theory Track Prize. Ratna Khanijou, Benedetta Cappellini & Sameer Hosany. ‘Me’ to ‘We’: Conflicts and Synergies in Doing the Collective Meal. Sponsored by University of Birmingham

AM2019 Consumer Research Track Prize. Asli Kuscu. Hate Is Such A Strong Word… Or Is It? Sponsored by University of Birmingham
AM2019 eMarketing & Digital Marketing Track Prize. Irene Santoso, Malcolm Wright, Giang Trinh & Mark Avis. Are Branded Tweets Effective under the Conditions of Low Attention? Exploring the Effects of Brand familiarity and Product Type. Sponsored by Institute of Data & Marketing

AM2019 Entrepreneurial & Small Business Marketing Track Prize. Mudassar Sohail, Pravin Balaraman & Nicholas Telford. Blockchain Technology Enabled Agricultural Marketing. Sponsored by University of Birmingham

AM2019 Fashion Marketing & Consumption Track Prize. Érica Sobreira, Clayton Silva & Claudia Buhamra. Do materialism and empowerment influence slow fashion consumption? Evidence from Brazil. Sponsored by University of Birmingham
AM2019 International Marketing Track Prize. Dafnis Coudounaris & Henrik Arvidsson. Recent literature review on effectuation. Sponsored by University of Birmingham

AM2019 Marketing Education Track Prize. Daniel Nunan & Anne Dibley. How do ethics processes influence decision-making in student research projects? Sponsored by Chartered Institute of Marketing
AM2019 Marketing of Higher Education Track Prize. James Santa, Justin Pelletier & Neil Hair. Modelling e-learner Satisfaction: The Role of Online Customer Experience. Sponsored by University of Birmingham

AM2019 Non-profit & Social Marketing Track Prize. Andrew Robson & David Hart. Charitable Donations, Home and Away: Is it all political? Sponsored by University of Birmingham

AM2019 Retail Marketing Track Prize. Majed Helmi, Sarah Xiao & Mike Nicholson. Optimal Pricing Practices within the Context of One Product, One Retailer, and Two Channels. Sponsored by University of Birmingham

AM2019 Services & CRM Track Prize. Helena V. González-Gómez, Sarah Hudson & Aude Rychalski. The Psychology of Frustration: Appraisal Theory, Satisfaction and Loyalty. Sponsored by University of Birmingham

AM2019 Strategic Marketing Track Prize. Belen Derqui & Nicoletta Occhiocupo. Chicken or Egg? How to Make Innovation Successful in the FMCG Industry. Empirical evidence from Spain. Sponsored by University of Birmingham
AM2019 Sustainability & Ethics Track Prize. Iuliana Raluca Gheorghe, Victor Lorin Purcărea & Consuela Gheorghe. Put It on Your Bucket List: Repeated Blood Donation and the USR Strategy. An Extended TPB Model. Sponsored by Social Business

AM2019 Tourism & Place Marketing Track Prize. S M A Moin, Sameer Hosany & Justin O’Brien. How Destination Brands Tell Stories? An analysis of Destination Commercials using the Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey. Sponsored by University of Birmingham