AM2022 Conference
Marketing: The Fabric of Life
University of Huddersfield, 5-7 July 2022

Conference Proceedings
To reference papers in the AM2022 Conference Proceedings (APA format) :
Author, A., & Author, B. (2022). Conference paper title. In S. Roper & C. McCamley (Eds.), Proceedings of Academy of Marketing 2022 Annual Conference and Doctoral Colloquium: Marketing: The Fabric of Life, University of Huddersfield.
ISBN: 9781862182127
Conference Theme
The 2022 Academy of Marketing Conference called for cutting edge research in the field of Marketing, capturing its role in the design, manufacture, distribution and consumption of products, services and experiences that relate to the everyday yet fundamental ‘fabric of life’. We welcomed an examination of the threads of marketing theory, and an exploration of the interwoven patterns which contribute to the ever-evolving tapestry that is Marketing.
Marketing relates to all areas of contemporary society, touching on traditional subjects such as consumer behaviour, branding and strategy. Likewise, emerging issues, such as the climate emergency, changing gender roles and the reconceptualization of space and place also demand marketing thought and critique.
In 2022 and we introduced you to incredible stories from this part of the world relating to heritage, culture and geography. These are embodied by the history of Huddersfield’s textile industry, which has left a physical and intellectual legacy. The conference Gala Dinner was held at Bowers Mill, built in the 18th century as water powered Fulling Mill, Corn Mill and finally a Woollen Mill. Textile manufacture was started by two brothers Joseph & Samuel Taylor and J & S Taylor occupied the Mill from 1882. All the processes to produce cloth were carried out here in the Mill by Taylors; blending, spinning, weaving, scouring, dyeing and finishing.
About the University of Huddersfield
The University of Huddersfield has a growing reputation as an inspiring, innovative provider of higher education of international renown. Recognised as a leader in enterprise and innovation, the University has been the recipient of the Times Higher Education magazine’s awards for the ‘University of the Year’, ‘Entrepreneurial University of the Year’ and ‘Outstanding Leadership and Management’ and is also the recipient of two Queen’s Awards for Enterprise.
In 2015, the University achieved 5-star status from international ratings organisation QS Stars in the areas of teaching, internationalisation, employability, and for facilities and access. It is joint first in England for the proportion of staff with teaching qualifications and recently became one of the few universities in the UK to be awarded the ‘Gold’ standard in the Government’s new Teaching Excellence Framework.

Stuart Roper

Claire McCamley
Doctoral Colloquium

Fiona Cheetham