University College Cork quadrangle

Doctoral Colloquium


Saints & Scholars

University College Cork, Ireland
7th to 10th July, 2025

Conference contact email: [email protected]

The paper submission deadline has now passed – decisions due March 2025.

The Academy of Marketing Doctoral Colloquium is a forum for doctoral students to meet and discuss their work with each other and experienced research mentors. It will take place on Monday 7th July immediately prior to the Academy of Marketing 2025 conference. The colloquium will run the full day, and will be held in a collaborative, open and friendly atmosphere.

DC Host Co-Chairs: Dr Stephen O’Sullivan and Dr Conor Drummond, University College Cork

Key Dates
March 2025 Paper acceptance confirmed
7 July 2025 AM Doctoral Colloquium 2025

Guidelines for Doctoral Colloquium Submissions

Doctoral students in all years of study are welcome, although we would particularly like to encourage students who are not at a very late stage of the thesis—if all decisions have been taken, a mentor’s feedback could be less useful. Students should submit a paper summarising their doctoral research in one of the following areas:

  1. Critical review of literature, conceptual framing of the study and development of research question(s), or
  2. Justification of research design and methodology, including consideration of research ethics, with appropriate links made to research questions and objectives, or
  3. Preliminary analysis of findings and articulation of the proposed theoretical contribution of the study.

We are keen to provide maximum opportunity for discussion and debate, and for you to receive detailed and constructive feedback on your research from our panel of distinguished research mentors. Rather than trying to cram the whole of your study into a short paper, we are therefore inviting you to provide a comprehensive articulation of your doctoral research in one out of the three areas outlined above. Please think specifically about the area(s) that you would particularly welcome feedback upon and concentrate on that, therefore.

You are required to submit a 6-page summary of this particular aspect of your research (excluding abstract, appendices and references). This will allow our panel of experts to gain a detailed understanding of your conceptual thinking and the decisions you have made thus far, which they can evaluate further through judicious questioning and facilitated discussion of your work during the colloquium thus providing you with expansive feedback on your research.

Doctoral presentations at the colloquium will take place in parallel tracks based on substantive topic area of study and particular area of focus (i.e., literature, research design, or analysis of findings). In addition, there will be faculty presentations designed to help students plan and manage their dissertation process and journey into academia.

A limited number of Bursaries will be available to assist Doctoral Students to attend the Doctoral Colloquium at AM2025. Authors of papers accepted for the AM2025 Doctoral Colloquium will be contacted with details on how to apply for a Bursary. Priority is given to full-time PhD students, but AMRC may in exceptional circumstances consider giving a bursary to other PhD students on a case by case basis. Please note that the bursary covers attendance at the DC event (including 2 nights accommodation, and meals on the day of the event), but does not cover travel costs or other expenses.

Doctoral Colloquium Papers

Students at any stage of their research may submit a paper. These must be:
• A maximum of 6 pages excluding the abstract, appendices and references (papers can contain tables and figures)
• Appendices and references must each begin on a new page, but be uploaded as part of the paper
Submitted without the name of the paper’s author or indication of their institution (the online paper submission system will keep a record of these details). Please also ensure that all identifying information is removed from the document properties
• The online system will ask for an abstract to be inputted separately (maximum 200 words)
• The online system will ask authors of DC submissions to indicate:
o The stage in the PhD process the student is at (e.g. Early year 1, Middle year 2-3, final year 3-4)
o The intended submission date for the PhD
o The methodological approach being proposed/used
o The potential of the research for impact
o If the author has previously attended an AM Doctoral Colloquium, and when.
o What the author hopes to achieve in attending the AM2025 Doctoral Colloquium
• Please see the detailed formatting instructions provided in this document
• Please note that there is a separate online submission system for DC papers – they should not be submitted into the main Conference Submission system


All papers, title pages and reference pages must be submitted as Word documents. All papers must be submitted online via the AM 2025 DC website. The link will be available from this page from 1 November 2024. Papers must adhere to the page limits given in the Call for Papers.

DC Terms and Conditions

Authors agree to abide by the following terms and conditions associated with submitting a paper for the AM 2025 Conference:

  1. The final extended deadline for submission of papers is Midnight GMT 20 January 2025. All papers will be independently blind-reviewed by at least two reviewers. Authors should, therefore, ensure that their names or any author-identifying information are not included, either in the text of the document, properties of the file or the file name. The language of the conference is English and all papers should be in English.
  2. All papers submitted should follow the submission guidelines provided in relation to references. All author and co-author details will be inputted as part of the online submission form and the Organising Committee will only contact the author who submitted the paper.
  3. The decision of the AM 2025 DC Chair in relation to the acceptance of the papers is final.
  4. Authors will be notified of acceptance, rejection, and/or suggested modifications as soon as the review process has been completed. Authors should act on feedback and comments provided by the AM 2025 reviewers. Please keep an exact copy of the final paper for future reference.
  5. By submitting a paper to be reviewed, the author(s) are indicating that the author will attend the conference in person and present the paper.
  6. All attendant presenters must register for the AM 2025 Conference and pay the registration fee by the required date or their paper will be withdrawn. (Note, a limited number of DC Bursaries are available, and details on how to apply will be provided to accepted authors).

By submitting your paper (Contribution) to the Academy of Marketing Conference:
You warrant that the Contribution will be original, will not violate or infringe any existing copyright or other right (of whatever nature) of any third party; will contain nothing obscene, blasphemous, defamatory, misleading or otherwise unlawful; and will contain no factual statements which are not true or based upon generally accepted research practices; and you further warrant that you have full power to enter into this Agreement.
If the Contribution does not conform to the warranties set out in this paragraph, you will indemnify the Academy of Marketing and University College Cork against any claims, loss, injury, damage or costs (including legal costs) that arise as a result of your breach of warranty. You will be responsible (at your expense) for obtaining permission for the inclusion in the Contribution of any third party copyright material.
Copyright in the conference proceedings as a whole is with the Academy of Marketing. Authors retain the rights to their individual papers, and by submitting their work for presentation at the Conference, authors grant a royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to the Academy of Marketing to reproduce the Contribution throughout the world in all forms (present, future and contingent, and including all renewals, extensions, revivals and all accrued rights of action).
The Academy of Marketing will have the right, where we consider it necessary, to revise, edit, amend and correct the Contribution in the interests of the relevance, consistency and quality of the style and content of the proceedings as a whole. The Academy of Marketing will have the right to decline to publish the Contribution if, for any reason, it fails to meet with our full satisfaction.
The Academy of Marketing, University College Cork, their publisher and staff take no responsibility and accept no liability whatsoever for the accuracy, impact, or consequences of any paper published in the conference proceedings, whether refereed or not. Papers reflect the authors’ opinions, not those of the Academy of Marketing, University College Cork, their publisher, or their staff.

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