Research Funding Recipients

Academy of Marketing Research Funding
The Academy of Marketing Research Committee in collaboration with the Marketing Trust supports research capacity development within the Academy through the Academy of Marketing Research Initiative funding scheme.
Academy of Marketing 2024 Funding Recipients
- Georgios Patsiaouras (University of Leicester): Tackling water scarcity in the Midlands (UK) through effective communication strategies
- A. R. Shaheen Hosany (Goldsmiths, University of London): Early Career Researchers in Marketing: In Pursuit of Impact (pictured left)
- Andrew Davis (University of Strathclyde): The internal marketing challenge of engendering sustainability practices
- Mariachiara Restuccia, Matilde Lucheschi (University of Sussex Business School) and Gianluca Memoli (MetaSonixx): Do Business-to-Business new products developed by university spin-outs benefit from the “University Knowledge Inside” effect? (pictured right)
- Shuo Feng (Goldsmiths, University of London) and Shuyu Yang (University of Leeds): Consumer Resistance Towards Capitalist Patriarchy: An Exploration of Female Queers’ Migration to Rural Communities in China

Academy of Marketing 2023 Funding Recipients
- Andrea Tonner (University of Strathclyde): Beyond the Digital Divide: exploring digital experiences of consumers with learning disabilities.
- Jamie Thompson and Reika Igarashi (Edinburgh Napier University), and Kshitij Bhoumik (University of Leeds): Are Virtual influencers effective in promoting prosocial causes? Exploring identity congruence between virtual influencers and consumers
- Rodrigo Perez Vega (Henley Business School), Katherine Baxter (Liverpool Hope Business School), Fabio Oliveira (Henley Business School), Wendy Histon (Westminster Business School): Immersive technologies for skills and capabilities development: measuring the effect of enhanced immersive experiences and performance outcomes among Generation Z consumers.
- Kate Jones and Anna Ivanova (Kingston University London): Brand Love in the Metaverse
- Mai Khanh Tran (London South Bank University): Green Fashion – A journey from Revolution to Revolutions
- Cristina Galalae (University of Leicester) and Tana Licsandru (Queen Mary University of London): Exploring Marketplace Discrimination and Racism towards Roma in Romania: Understanding the Experiences of a Hyper-Marginalized Consumers

Academy of Marketing Research Funding 2022
- Leighanne Higgins, Lancaster University Management School – The Marketplace and I: A Videography
- Claudia E Henninger and Songyi Yan, The University of Manchester – Rubie Chic – Researching upcycling behaviour in England – creating holistic insights into consumption practices
- Barbara Tomasella, University of Derby; Bilal Akbar, Nottingham Business School; Alison Lawson, Derby Business School – Integrating the sustainable development goals (SDGs) into the Higher Education marketing curriculum
- Olaya Moldes Andres, Nicole Koenig-Lewis, Carmela Bosangit, Cardiff University – Do second-hand products make us (less) happy? The role of materialistic values and identity construction processes on consumers’ well-being judgements of circular products
Academy of Marketing Research Funding 2021
- Pilar Rojas Gaviria, University of Birmingham, The Interplay between Consumption and Embodied Discourse during Times of Transition: Catharsis amid Horror and Confusion in Menopause
- Leah Gillooly, Manchester Metropolitan University, An exploration of queuing and associated consumer experience(s)
- Sianne Gordon-Wilson, University of Portsmouth, Animated, Anthropomorphic and Verbal Elements in Recycling Communication
- Jessie Qun Ren, Solent University, Social exchange theory in B2B relationships: An exploration of the mechanisms generating cooperation – A dyadic multiple case study
- Mona Moufahim, University of Stirling, Religion tourism consumption and management: a study of pilgrimage to multi-faith cultural and religious heritage sites in Postwar Lebanon
- Katie Casey, University of Kent, Between Waste and Want: Disposing Objects of Ambiguous Value

Generating Impact from Research in Marketing
You can find some of the outputs from funded projects in our Resources section.
Congratulations to the successful projects for 2021:
- Jack Coffin, University of Manchester and Finola Kerrigan, University of Birmingham – Marketing Short Stories: A Podcast Series
- Kathy Hamilton and Juliette Wilson, University of Strathclyde – Age-Friendly Servicescapes: Building Inclusive Markets for Older Consumers
- Martina Hutton, Royal Holloway, University of London – Radical community response-ability: Learning partnerships with others
Congratulations to the successful projects for 2019:
- Emma Banister, Alliance Manchester Business School – SMEs and Shared Parental Leave (SPL): Impacting policy & employers
- Claire McCamley, Fiona Cheetham, Brendan Canavan and John Lever, University of Huddersfield – Conversations with local tourism stakeholders: visualising Destination Kirklees