Brand, Identity & Corporate Reputation SIG
Brand, Identity & Corporate Reputation SIG
SIG Chair
Dr Joana César Machado, Universidade Católica Porto, Portugal

SIG Deputy Chair
Professor Stuart Roper, Northumbria University, UK

Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation SIG Global Brand Conference
Eighteenth Global Brand Conference of the Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation SIG
Conference theme: Brand Purpose
Hosted by: Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation SIG
When: 7-9 May 2025
Where: Católica Porto Business School, Porto, Portugal
Conference Website for full details and call for papers: https://gbc2025porto.org/en/2025/home/
Deadline for Abstracts: 1 November 2024. Submit via the Conference website.
About the SIG
The Special Interest Group is now well established as a focal point for both academics and practitioners with an interest in branding, which is our main aim. Our objectives are:
- to provide opportunities for discussion;
- to support researchers and lecturers, to link with international networks of similar SIGs;
- to promote the publication of research papers;
- to promote dialogue between practitioners and academics;
- to facilitate networking between research students and other new researchers.