Entrepreneurial & Small Business Marketing SIG
Entrepreneurial & Small Business Marketing SIG

SIG Co-Chair
Dr Elizabeth Heyworth-Thomas,
Bangor University

SIG Co-Chair
Dr James M. Crick,
University of Leicester
About the SIG
The aim of this SIG is to provide a critical mass of engaged scholarship and applied research in the field of Entrepreneurial Marketing, Research at the Interface of Marketing and Entrepreneurship and, Marketing in Small-and-Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). This SIG has its own journal, the Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship (JRME) published by Emerald (Ranked B in the ABDC Journal Quality List).
The SIG has a LinkedIn page at https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13826759/
The strategic objectives of the ESBMSIG are:
- To assist PhD and early career researchers in developing and publishing research which is relevant and meaningful to critical debates in the EM field.
- To continually develop our global research community by enhancing our academic research networks. Specifically in retaining and furthering connections with our sister SIG, The Entrepreneurial Marketing SIG of the American Marketing Association (AMA) and the Global Research Conference on Marketing and Entrepreneurship (GRCME – www.marketing-entrepreneurship.org)
- To hold an Entrepreneurial Marketing track at the annual Academy of Marketing conference and to host at least one SIG Symposium annually.
- To create research opportunities for group members by developing Special Issues for targeted journals relevant to our field.
- To create opportunities to enable development of research grant applications.
- To engage with practitioners to inform practice as relevant to our field (research impact).
- To engage with critical debate to influence and inform policy, in particular in respect to representation of SMEs in the UK and global economies (research impact).
- To encourage stronger associations between universities, researchers and SMEs.
We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all those interested in our field of research and in joining us at our symposium and at the AM conference.
SIG Chairs
Dr Elizabeth M Heyworth-Thomas is a Senior Lecturer [Associate Professor] of Management at Bangor University [United Kingdom], Director of College Employability, and founding Director of The Business Clinic at Bangor Business School. Elizabeth also holds a Co-Chair position for the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship [ISBE] Early Career Researcher/Academic Forum and Associate Editor for the Journal of the International Council for Small Business. Her research interests include entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial marketing, spin-out commercialisation, business start-up and succession, sociology and social policy. Recent grant-funded projects include research around entrepreneurial resilience, Quantum Technology physicist-led spin-out to commercialisation, and Net Zero adoption and commercialisation. Throughout her career, Elizabeth has been influential in creating positive research partnerships and collaborations between disciplines and institutions, supporting early career researchers/academics in developing their networks, self-promotion and building successful research careers.
Dr James M. Crick is an Associate Professor of Marketing and Entrepreneurship at the University of Leicester (United Kingdom) and an Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurial Marketing at the University of Ottawa (Canada). His research interests are positioned at the marketing/entrepreneurship interface (or entrepreneurial marketing), covering topics, such as internationalization activities, collaborative strategies (e.g., coopetition), strategic orientations, and dynamic and evolving business models. His research has been published in journals, such as Industrial Marketing Management, the International Small Business Journal, the Journal of International Marketing, the Journal of Business Research, the International Business Review, the International Marketing Review, and the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. In addition to his editorial board duties, he is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Strategic Marketing.