Special Interest Groups
Academy of Marketing Special Interest Groups play an essential role in the networking of researchers in similar topic areas.
If you wish to start a Special Interest Group, please contact the SIG Co-ordinator Dr Mona Moufahim about the proposal procedure.
SIG Frequently Asked Questions
What is a SIG?
A SIG is a Special Interest Group of the Academy of Marketing.
What does a SIG do?
The SIGs play an essential role in allowing members and potential members to engage with likeminded researchers throughout the year to enhance the research reputation in key areas.
How can I join a SIG?
Simply look at the Academy of Marketing website. Review the SIGs you wish to join and contact the Chair.
Do I have to be a member of the Academy of Marketing to join a SIG?
No. Anyone can join a SIG. However, for the events or activities you may be asked to pay a small fee towards the cost of the event.
How do I join the Academy of Marketing?
Click here for joining instructions or click on the Membership link at the top of the page for more information
How many SIGs are there?
Currently there are 16 SIGs
For SIG Chairs
What support is available for SIGs?
There is the opportunity for SIGs to claim up to £500 to support an event/activity. You need to apply via the Treasurer for approval for funding prior to the event/activity, and a form will be provided to reclaim approved expenditure.
Usually there is a SIG meeting annually at the Academy of Marketing conference. You can also contact the SIG co-ordinator and other SIG chairs as appropriate.
How do SIG Chairs apply for funding?
Contact the Treasurer and copy in the SIG co-ordinator with your funding application, detailing what the funding is being requested for.
How do SIG Chairs form a community list for their SIG and operate within GDPR?
If you want to establish your own SIG membership, i.e. a membership list or email list, then you need to be aware of the data protection implications of this. We would suggest that the best thing to do is set up an online Group that people can apply to join, or leave, within their own control, e.g. a LinkedIn Group. (Other such networks are available and you should consider which would best suit your purposes). You then use the online Group to disseminate information rather than having a separate email/member list.
Which social media pages are best to use to communicate with SIG members?
See above question. You can also use Twitter.
How do I promote a SIG event?
Always let the Academy Admin Office know as soon as you have planned an event so this can go on the website and be publicised to AM members via the enewsletter. You should also promote events through your own networks.
Should I charge for a SIG event?
We encourage charging for an event. However, some events are free. Others charge a differential fee to cover costs.
Does a SIG member have to be a member of the Academy of Marketing?
No. However we actively encourage membership of AM to gain additional benefits.
What other responsibilities do SIG Chairs have?
SIG Chairs are required to report back on their Activities 2-3 times per year to the SIG co-ordinator using the Reporting Template: SIG Reporting Template. The SIG co-ordinator will email SIG Chairs when these reports are due.