Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit & Social Marketing SIG
Arts, Heritage, NonProfit and Social Marketing SIG (AHNPSM SIG) at the Academy of Marketing

SIG Chair
Chloe Preece, ESCP Business School
- Deputy Chair, with responsibility for Arts & Heritage Marketing – Nick Telford, Heriot Watt
- Deputy Chair, with responsibility for Arts-based Methodologies – Pilar Rojas-Gaviria, University of Birmingham
- Deputy Chair, with responsibility for NonProfit Marketing – Fran Hyde, University of Suffolk
- Deputy Chair, with responsibility for Social Marketing – Sarah-Louise Mitchell, Oxford Brookes University

Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit & Social Marketing SIG Colloquium
Twenty-First International Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit and Social Marketing
Colloquium theme: ‘Shaping the Future of Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit, and Social Marketing through Digital Transformation’
Hosted by: Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit and Social Marketing SIG
When: Friday 6th September 2024
Where: The National Robotarium, Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Campus, Scotland, EH14 4AS
Deadline for Abstracts: 13 July 2024. Please send your abstracts by email to: [email protected]
The aim of this SIG is to bring together scholars and practitioners in the marketing of the arts and heritage, and in nonprofit and social marketing in order to help:
- Stimulate academic debate in the field
- Provide a networking resource
- Hold specialist conferences
- Justify specialist tracks at established conferences
- Target journals for publication of special issues
- Put together collective research bids
- Develop research agendas.
The AHNPSM SIG is a group of Academy of Marketing members who seek to proactively renew and deepen scholarly work within the two strands of arts/heritage and nonprofit/social marketing. These two strands have many areas of commonality which warrant their grouping under one SIG umbrella, and yet are sufficiently distinctive to require separate handling. The two-strand arrangement is designed to retain the connection with common theoretical and professional issues, while leaving space for each strand to develop as it needs.
For arts and heritage scholars, this involves connecting arts and heritage marketing with theoretical developments in mainstream managerial marketing, as well as with developments in leisure, consumption, heritage, tourism and cultural studies (and other fields), and with new conceptual developments in the many arts sectors with which SIG members engage, for example film, theatre, opera, popular and classical music, and fine art. On the nonprofit and social marketing side, SIG members engage with the ways in which business practices connect to wider societal issues, including issues such as social marketing, nonprofit marketing, corporate social responsibility, cause-related marketing, fundraising, sponsorship, and so on. The research carried out within the two strands of the SIG both draws upon and seeks to inform the wider body of marketing theory in an interactive exchange within the Academy. Important, also, in the work of SIG members are the regular dialogue with professional practitioners and the continual renewal of pedagogical practice and content, both of which are facilitated by the energetic pursuit of inventive research approaches and projects.
A key objective of the SIG is to encourage members to identify possible activities that would benefit the members in developing and disseminating their work. We have an annual colloquium where members are invited to present their work and hear about the work of others, and we are happy to help in organising other events throughout the year.
For any queries or further information please contact SIG chair Chloe Preece.
There are two networking resources operated by the SIG, one for Arts/Heritage marketing and one for NonProfit/Social Marketing. Membership of both is international.
To join the Arts/Heritage Marketing e-list, please click here. (Contact, Dr Terry O’Sullivan, Open University)
To join the NonProfit/Social Marketing e-list, please click here. (Contact, Dr Sarah Forbes, University of Birmingham)
Note: since some SIG postings are relevant to both lists, this will result occasionally in cross-posting.