Visual Methods SIG
Visual Methods SIG

SIG Chair
Fatema Kawaf, Nottingham Business School

SIG Deputy Chair
Natalia Yannopoulou, Newcastle University Business School

SIG Deputy Chair
Ashleigh Logan-McFarlane, Edinburgh Napier University
Professor Fatema Kawaf, Professor Natalia Yannopoulou and Dr Ashleigh Logan-McFarlane are delighted to welcome you to the Visual Methods Special Interest Group at the Academy of Marketing. The purpose of the group is to foster a dialogue and expand knowledge on visual and videographic research methodologies and issues among academics and business people and other groupings as appropriate. The SIG will be holding training events of using various visual research methods throughout the year. Please join the SIG as a member and follow our social media groups to stay up to date on the SIG news and activities.
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/242457730652216/
LinkedIn group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13942676/
- Ultimately the goal is for this SIG to become a destination for researchers, academics and PhD students interested in conducting visual research to find support, guidance, resources, and training to enable them to successfully navigate and adopt the visual method relevant to their research.
- Additionally, the SIG aims to foster an environment that facilitates interaction among academics, business people and policy makers relating to the use of visual and videography research.
- Disseminate research findings, theoretical contributions, and successful business practices among members. We aim to achieve this by (1) establishing and running a visual and videography research track at the Academy of Marketing conference (TBC) annually (2) organizing seminars and webinars to allow presentations relating to visual research regularly
- Various novel visual research methods are on the rise. Be it visual, videography or screencasting, evidently new methods require training and capacity building to allow researchers and PhD students to adopt these methods. As such the SIG will be predominantly focused on organizing and running training events regularly in order to enable this.
- Membership:
Membership of the SIG is free. The Visual Methods SIG is an international group open for academics, researchers and PhD students anywhere in the world! To join, please visit: https://fatemakawaf.com/visual-methods/